Our passion for  Children’s Ministry is to help our children to know God, love God, and serve God. We are excited about partnering with parents to minister God’s grace to children.

Age 3 – 1st Grade

Children age 3 through 1st grade attend classes with their age group during Sunday School and the morning worship service. We begin to lay a biblical foundation during these crucial years of development. Our teachers communicate great truths about God through key Old and New Testament stories, and the children learn who God is and how He is at work in the lives of people throughout history. We also help these children memorize simple Bible verses.

Second-Sixth Grade

Children in grades 2 through 6 attend classes with their age group during Sunday School. These children are invited to worship with their parents during the morning and evening service. On Sunday morning, children are dismissed during the last congregational song for a children’s church service designed to teach a Bible lesson that is applicable to their lives. Sunday School and children’s church are designed to teach who God is, His character, His work in their lives, and His Word. Our mission is to point children to the good news of God’s love that sent His only Son, Jesus, to redeem us and make us members of God’s family.

Wednesday Kids’ Club

AWANA, for children ages 3–12, meet each Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. All children are invited to attend this exciting program of games, Bible lessons, and Scripture memorization. The goal of this ministry is to provide another opportunity to engage your children with God’s truth.


On Sunday evening, nursery care is provided for children through the age of three.